2025 Events at the Union Fairgrounds

(stay tuned for details)

Mud Runs:
June 21 and September 20

Lawn Sales:
June 28, July 19, August 16 and September 13
(September event is Lawn Sale and Craft Fair)

Demo Derby:
September 27

Trail of Terror:
October 10, 11, 17, 24 and 25

Friends of the Union Fair Society is a 501(c)(3) organization that was created to help raise money for the good of the fair.

Help support scholarship funding for agricultural education, care of grounds and buildings on the fairgrounds. The Union Fair relies on off season events, rental of grounds and donations to help volunteers put on a fair each year! 

Wish List: 

1. New grandstand or renovations to old 
2. Maintenance shed and bath house for the campground (so we can be a seasonal campground, not just during the fair) 
3. Track maintenance 
4. Portable bleachers for all the events 

The Friends of Union Fair Society provides you the opportunity to make a charitable donation. Make Checks payable to ‘Friends of Union Fair’ 

Send to: 
Friends of Union Fair 
Kristin Gould (Treasurer) 
P.O. Box 352 
Union, Maine 04862

Checks payable to Friends of Union Fair

Our Organization
Friends of the Union Fair Society 2023


President: Andrew Jura
Vice President: Alex Achorn
Secretary: Teresa Johnson
Treasurer: Kristin Gould


Valerie Jackson
Amy Wheelis
Sharon Caron